English Learner Resources

English learner advisory committees header with a dark blue back ground ,and red/ light blue books on the right and left side.
What is DELAC & ELAC ?
Each district with 51 or more English learners regardless of language, must form a district-level English Learner Advisory Committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise district officials on English Learner programs and services.
In addition to DELAC, each school site with at least 21 EL students must also have an ELAC. Please reach out to your school site for more information regarding your school site ELAC.
Who is an English Learner?
After registration and upon completing the Home Language Survey, if a language other than English is reported, the student will be given the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC). Based on the ELPAC results, the parents will be given an initial recommendation for program placement.
EL Reclassification Process
The goal for all English Learners is to be able to perform at the same level as their English only counterparts. When English Learners achieve the reclassification criteria, they are able to do as well as, if not better than, their English only counterparts. Teachers are required to monitor student's performance for a period of 4 years after reclassification.
Why is reclassification so important?
Reclassification expands the opportunities at the intermediate and high school level for English Learners. Giving students more options in electives, extracurricular activities, sports, and academic courses. Students who are fully bilingual or multilingual have the opportunity to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy.